We can say that bio-stimulated FUE is an advanced form of hair transplant that can help patients obtain a fuller head. Bio-stimulated FUE emerges from FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), a surgical approach that only utilizes individual hair follicles harvested from the donor region. 

The Bio-Stimulated FUE Hair Transplant. 

This is an advanced form of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) where a combination of surgical and non-surgical hair restoration approaches are used. This approach results in better results in patients with extreme baldness. 

In case a patient requires this hair restoration methodology, a consultation is recommended plus a proper evaluation of the scalp.


The procedure begins with the extraction of the hair grafts from the donor region using the Follicular Unit Extraction method. After this, the regenerative cells are infused into the donor site to induce a faster healing process as well as a better growth in the bald region. 

The follicular units are then washed in in a rich growth factor and they are then transplanted into the tiny holes made in the bald region. 

At last, a platelet Rich Plasma solution (PRP) is given to a patient to promote hair growth which is of a good density and a high quality. 


There are various advantages of this hair restoration technique and they include;

⦁    Stimulation of the healing process in the donor and the recipient region.

⦁    Acceleration of the stem cells of the implanted hair to attain a fuller head of hair. 

⦁    Faster hair growth.

⦁    The method enhances the overall density of both the existing hair and the new hair. Also, strengthening the hair. 

⦁    Safe and productive for patients. 

⦁    It is a one-day procedure and requires no hospitalization. 

Visit our profound hair transplant surgeon at AG Clinics for more information about this technique in case you are considering to have a hair transplant.