Tummy Tuck

Perhaps you have tried some diet tips, sit-ups, and exercises but your tummy has failed to get into shape. So, where to turn to? Atummy tuck! The abdomen or perhaps the lower abdominal region is 5 times prone to fat deposits than most of other body regions. 

At least once in a lifetime, men and women observe a slight increase in the lower abdominal region which is due to several reasons. In other cases, this persists for months due to weight gain, delivery or after birth, lack of exercises and so on. In the case of the too much flab, excess skin and certainly self-image issues, an abdominoplasty can be the answer. 

A Tummy Tuck!

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that flattens the abdomen by relaxing the excess fat and the skin afterwhich, the muscles in this region are tightened. This procedure is different from liposuction although a combination of a tummy tuck and liposuction can be utilized. 

How A Tummy Tuck Is Conducted. 

There are generally two types of tummy tuck or abdominoplasty which are; partial and complete abdominoplasty. 

  • A Partial Abdominoplasty

Also referred as a mini-abdominoplasty, this procedure is conducted in patients whose fat deposits are located below the navel. This means that the surgeon will not remove the belly button and the procedure may only last for two hours. 

  • A Complete Abdominoplasty

During this procedure, the surgeon cuts the abdomen from the hipbone to another hipbone and then contour the skin, tissue, and muscle as required. With this approach, the belly button is moved and drainage tubes are applied for a few days or a week. 


A consultaion is necessary before undergoing a tummy tuck. 

It is an affordable procedure. 

In case you have plans to get pregnant, you may have to wait before getting a tummy tuck. 

In case of a pregnancy in the future, the vertical muscles which are tighnened during the surgery can be separated. 

Scars are formed after the surgery although there are different approaches to disguise them. 

A tummy tuck isnt a weight-loss technique. 

You will experience pain and swelling after the surgery but the prescribed medications can relieve them. 

Consult our expert for an evaluation.