Breast Lift

Wondering about the solution for your sagging breasts? A breast lift at AG Clinics could be your definite answer. What is a breast lift anyway?

Abreast lift also known as a mastopexy is a form of mammoplasty “surgery” where sagging breasts of a woman are raised for a better shape and attractive appearance. Generally, the contour, and the size of the breasts is altered or what can be reffered to as an elevation. 

In addition to that,  breast lift techniques can also be utilized for mammoplasty reduction which is the correction of oversized breasts. 

What You Need To Know About A Breast Lift Procedure!

A breast lift is generally conducted for self-image concerns. Therefore, it involves aesthetic skills of a surgeon to create a propotionate bust for the lady. 

During this procedure, the emphasis is stretched to the tissue viability of the nipple-areola complex to ensure the functional sensitivity of the breasts without forgetting the breast-feeding and lactation purposes. 

Furthermore, the surgeon cuts and removes the excess tissues which include the adipose, glandular, the excess skin and so on. 

The procedure is conducted to correct over-sized breasts, tighten the surrounding tissue and come up with a new breast contour. 

Where It’s not Applicable!

  • For fuller breasts, the patient might have to consider a breast lift and a breast augmentation surgery. 
  • This procedure does not significantly change the size of the breasts.
  • It does not round out the upper part of the breasts.
  • For a patient who desires smaller breasts, a combination of a breast lift and and a breast reduction surgery is recommended.

Am I a Good Candidate For A Breast Lift!

This is an individualized surgery and so, a patient must consider this;

  • You dont smoke.
  • You are physically healthy with a stable weight. 
  • The breasts must have a flatter or pendulous. 
  • There is visible stretched skin and enlarged areolas. 
  • Aconsultation is generally required for further evaluation. 

Cost Concerns 

The cost of a breast lift surgery generally depends on the surgical approach, medical prescriptions, and as a surgeon may observe. Consult an expert at AG Clinics!